Liddington legends 2024


After arriving safely at the start of the week and with the sun shining brightly, the boys unpacked and layering up on the suncream, they then enjoyed an alfresco picnic lunch. The afternoon activities consisted of vertical challenge, problem solving and balloon splash. Straight in to the deep end.

Day 2 saw the boys complete 5 activities. They did canoeing, skilfully steering around a flock of ducks and ducklings, and then reached for the sky on the giant swings. After a hearty lunch they took on the challenges of survivor skills and the blindfolded, sensory trail. A campfire treat awaited the boys's return with hot chocolate and dipping biscuits at the ready.

For the final day, we scaled the dizzy heights of Jacob's Ladder and had a go at archery.

Lots of fun has been had and boys have literally and metaphorically reached new heights. We have witnessed some amazing teamwork, strategy development and competitive spirit which we hope will transfer to the classroom on our return!

Watch the video here

Mrs Phillips, Mrs Hunter, Mr E Bryant, Miss Munns & Mr Cox