Lower Juniors on tour


What a week we have had! The boys have experienced a range of trips and activities this week starting with Warwick Castle on Tuesday. We were treated to a sword skills activity and workshop from Master James followed by a falconry demonstration. The boys got to show off their historical knowledge of the War of the Roses whilst watching the jousting which was exhilarating. Thank you to Matron Hetta for joining us for the day!

On Wednesday, we went to the Space Centre in Leicester. The boys were really excited to visit and loved the 'hands on' approach to the museum. It was wonderful to see the boys freely moving around and interacting with the different stations. We went to a show in the planetarium and felt like we were floating and moving through space! Thank you to Matron Kay for joining us for the day.

Thursday's trip took us to Odds Farm where we bottle fed goats, fed sheep, and were treated to a Bruern boys only tractor and trailer ride! We saw the Highland cows and calves and played on their amazing climbing frames. Some very tired boys at the end of this adventure.

Mr Cowie has treated us to a spectacular Forest School morning today with hot chocolate by the fire with marshmallows and hash browns!! Some boys took a turn at stick whittling, racing boats on the stream and swinging and climbing in trees. What a wonderful end to the week, thank you Mr Cowie!

The boys have been fabulous company this week and an absolute pleasure to take on the trips; so many people have asked who we are and have complimented the boys on their manners and behaviour. The boys have asked some amazing questions and demonstrated their knowledge about all things! Thank you, boys for making our week one to remember!

Mrs Muckalt, Mrs Crabtree, Mrs Moore, Mr Barrett & Mr Watterson