Lower Sixth Pilgrimage


On Tuesday afternoon in celebration of their final exams of the year and to enrich their study of Pilgrimage the Lower 6th made their own five mile journey to learn more about Oxford's very own patron saint, St Frideswide. Legend tells of her ability to invoke the help of God and perform miracles. We began at St Frideswide's well, otherwise known as Treacle Well at St Margaret's Church Binsey where legend has it she brought forth a spring of healing water, said to heal those who drink from it or pray there. Journeying on we walked through the beautiful Port Meadow and along the river towards St Barnabas' Church of Jericho where our thirsty pilgrims were provided with shade and bottles of water in a nearby ale house.

We then entered the centre of bustling Oxford towards our final destination, Christ Church Cathedral. Today the Cathedral stands at the site of Frideswide's Anglo-Saxon Church where her shrine remains. We walked the quadrangle to take in the view and mark our arrival before divine intervention arrived in the form of an ice cream van just outside the entrance. A huge well done to the boys for their fortitude and impeccable behaviour and a thank you to Mrs Floyd, Mr Ford, Ms Szymt and Rufus who accompanied us.

Ms Mason