Photography Competition


We are pleased to let you know the results of the photography competition. Here is a reminder of the categories;

1. Signs of life

2. Man’s best friend (dogs and their owners)

3. ‘Still round the corner there may wait a new road or secret gate…’ (quote by J. R. R. Tolkien)

After much deliberation we have chosen the following;

First prize to Thomas B for his picture of a ferry with twigs of sprouting willow in the foreground. We loved the detail of the foreground and the hazy smoke in the background. There is such a feeling of cold and ice!

Second place is Francis F's 'man's best friend'. We loved the light, the proportions and the cheeky side-eyes expression. He has just caught the moment.

In Third place is Henry S's dog coming through a gate with sprigs of blossom in the background. We loved the movement in this and that it actually fulfilled all three categories.

Runners up are Finn C, who produced an impressive portfolio and Alec M. We loved the fungi!

Well done to everyone who entered it really was very hard to choose and the entries were all of a high standard. Prizes will be awarded in Monday's assembly.

Mrs A Hunter