Cricket: Colts Green v Magdalen College

This week we travelled to central oxford for a set of fixtures with Magdalen College. The boys could not have asked for a better back drop to play an afternoon of cricket and were treated to a beautiful day of sunshine. The boys lost the toss this week and were asked to field first, after a nervy couple of overs the boys managed to claw it back with some very impressive bowling. It was decided at the start that we would give each player to bowl at least one over and I can safely say they all did a very good job. After a late cameo by a very talented batsman, the MCS finished on 135-6, which given the standard of opposition was a very impressive performance from our boys.
The batting displayed was filled with more notable moments, for a lot of our boys the prospect and facing ‘fast’ bowlers can be a little daunting due to their lack of experience however every player faced up to it well and can certainly take a lot from the day. Unfortunately we were bowled out short of the target, but the boys can take a huge amount of pride from giving the opposition a proper match. It was very clear from all watching that the boys have made some good strides in either their batting and bowling and I hope that they can continue with the say focus and effort going forward.
Well played boys,
Mr E Bryant