Rugby: Colts Yellows v Ashfold [H]

The Yellow team had a great game against a tough Ashfold Opposition on Wednesday afternoon. Milo R was captain for the day and lead the team well. Ashfold started on the front foot scoring some tries in quick succession. Bruern then found their feet and started to apply to pressure back onto Ashfold.

Henry S and William W scored the majority of the tries and the opposition found it tricky to stop them. As the game progressed, we started to tackle and gave Ashfold a run for their money.

Unfortunately, despite some great teamwork and impressive tries, Bruern lost 10-7. I reminded the boys at the end that Ashfold have been playing rugby all term, whereas we have only been playing it for a few weeks! The boys did themselves proud and enjoyed playing at home. Thank you to Mr Moore who was the ref for the day and to all the parents that came to support. Have a lovely weekend lads.

Mr Barrett