Rugby U12: Lower Sixth XII v Beachborough [A]

An away game this week and we made the trip to Beachborough. We knew the game would be a good contest and possibly our hardest challenge so far this season. The boys were eager and ready for the match and certainly up for the challenge.

Straight from the kick off and the first tackle we knew it was going to be a physical game, with hard tackles and both teams quick and challenging at the breakdown. Bruern took an early lead with a few great phases of play that allowed us to attack quickly and get over the line. It was then Beachborough's turn to put the pressure on, that also produced quick phases of play and after a solid defensive effort from our boys Beachborough levelled just before half time.

It all came down to the second half. Both teams putting together fantastic phases of attacking play and both defending hard and applying the pressure quickly. It remained 1-1 until the final 5 minutes of the match. With the nerves on the sidelines and both sides getting close to scoring it was Beachborough who found the corner creating a quick overlap and taking the game by a try.

I can certainly say it was one of the best games of prep school rugby I have watched in the last couple of years with both sets of parents from Bruern and Beachborough thoroughly enjoying the game. A hard defeat for our boys but they certainly left it all out on the pitch. A fantastic team performance and we are certainly looking forward to our game away at The Dragon next week.

Mr Wagstaff