It’s been a quiet week on the sporting front at the Prep school, with CE exams and numerous trips. Games for the Upper Sixth focused on getting the boys active outside in the fresh air and sunshine, enjoying a sport of their choice. Which leaves me to convey a couple of reminders:
Sports Day, Saturday 1st July – you should have received an email from Mr Floyd, via Karen today, explaining the day in more detail, together with a programme containing all the information you (hopefully) will need. Please email Sports Day Information required if you haven’t received it.
Summer Activity Days – bookings have got off to a flying start – the days are filling up fast. The dates are July 24th to 28thand August 21st to 25th. Further details can be found in this newsletter.
Finally, thanks to all the staff who have helped with athletics and the allocation of sports day events, during the last couple of weeks. As always, it’s a huge amount of work. I hope you all have an enjoyable half term.
Mr M Moore