

The boarding houses here at Bruern are always a hub of activities both in-house and on excursions off site for evening activities. The boys enjoy the independence yet brotherhood of the dorms, all under the watchful eye of the houseparents. There are evening barbeques to be enjoyed and then the joy of waking up to a variety of breakfast options which is a meal that sets them up for the rest of the school day!

Flexible Boarding

Bruern Abbey's system of truly flexible boarding recognises that for three-quarters of Bruern boys, they've found the right school but a daily commute is not realistic.

It offers, for those parents who wish it, a choice of one to four nights of boarding in the peace, security and beauty of the Oxfordshire countryside, without compromising their three nights and a full weekend of family life at home.

Far from fumes and traffic, boys are able to concentrate fully on their studies from Monday to Friday and to take advantage of all that Bruern has to offer.

For London pupils the School operates every week its own bus which, at a published charge, collects boys early on Monday morning and returns them on a Friday afternoon, in time for the weekend. The route begins near Sloane Square and Marble Arch, with several further stops along the A40 and M40.

Day Pupils

The School also welcomes day boys, who arrive by 8.15 a.m. (9.00 a.m. on Monday) and are free to return home at 6.10 p.m., except on Friday, when they are free at 3.45 p.m.

Evensong and Formal Dinners

Tuesday evening formal dinners start at approximately 6.00 pm with a reception (and sometimes recital) in the Drawing Room; Thursday evenings start with Chapel at 5.25 pm and are followed by a reception in the Drawing Room. Parents are more than welcome at dinner and you will be seated with a member of staff and three or four boys, chosen by your son.

Wednesday evenings are also one of the regular times during the week that the boys have the time to forge strong friendships and spend free time together. Parents may take their son out for supper on a Wednesday evening, subject to prior arrangement via the school office.